We want you to encounter God when you visit us on Sundays at 10:00 AM! Encounter Him through the love of the people you meet at our doors or at our cafe. Experience Him in worship through song, testimony, and spoken word (about 90 minutes); the service is in a contemporary informal style that encourages free expression and intimacy with God.

Dress how you want, we dress casual, business casual, and smart casual (so there’s lots of variety).

Your kids, 5th grade and under, are safely checked in to be with our best teachers so they can encounter God and have their own experience of learning and worship.

Everyone is welcome at Waters Edge and we discriminate against no one. We recognize and respect that people come to our church at different places in their walk toward God.

Maybe you are new to the community and just want to visit for a while and discover what Waters Edge is all about. Throughout the year, we offer a DISCOVERY class that you may wish to attend.

Or maybe you are exploring the faith and still deciding whether they want to be followers of Jesus in the first place. Everyone should have the opportunity to explore the foundations of the Christian faith in a non-judgmental and open atmosphere. You may ask questions and share their story in an informal, fun and friendly environment. If you are searching for answers, we invite you to attend an ALPHA group and follow the 11-week process to explore the Christian faith. It is called “Alpha” for a reason. It is – the beginning.

Click on these icons to learn more about our other Waters Edge MINISTRIES, LIFE GROUPS, and DISCIPLESHIP Groups.

We want to help you get all your questions and concerns answered so …