GUIde your children
Our Sunday morning children's ministry will help your children encounter God by his Spirit and become like Christ to advance his kingdom! Some children are formed by their culture’s values, but Waters Edge gives you an opportunity to help your children encounter God and become like Christ. All children are welcome in our main worship room, but also feel free to check your kids into their own separate worship and teaching experience. We follow the organized curriculum of the Gospel Project and provide engaging activities each week.
support and equip our future
Our youth ministry is called Surge! We are dedicated to helping our students, grades 6-12, to encounter God by his Spirit and become like Christ to advance his kingdom. That means that we help our youth to experience conversion to Christ, grow to become like Christ, and be equipped to reach out to others. Clink the link below to see our calendar or get connected.
discipleship initiative
Jesus came to earth to bring heaven with him, to inaugurate the kingdom of God! In his ministry, he also multiplied himself by training followers to operate in his same supernatural ministry. Our discipleship initiative is a year long pipeline to help people encounter God by his Spirit in order to activate and train them in the seven “Jesus skills:” 1) evangelism; 2) Spirit baptism; 3) prophecy and hearing God’s voice; 4) deliverance; 5) righteousness and discipline; 6) healing; 7) signs and wonders. These seven skills equip people to continue the ministry of Christ to advance the kingdom of God. Start any time by joining us on Thursdays nights. Disciples graduate after one year in the program. This discipleship program includes a kid’s ministry to also active them in the Jesus skills. We offer discipleship classes for 5k-5th grades. Childcare is available for kids younger than 5.
Praise and worship
Praise and worship is a time for encountering God, that is why it is one of the most exciting things we do together! Worship is far from boring because in our worship we experience something, that is, God's presence and favor. Worship in music and song is an ongoing ministry within our church that serves to help others exalt Christ in unity and draw them into an encounter with his love and power. We are always looking for more partners in this mission, so feel free to reach out and connect with our leader!
Seek God's Presence
Prayer ushers in the kingdom of God! We are honored to activate our prayer ministry on your behalf to help you encounter God in healing, deliverance, and the infilling of the Spirit. Meet us at the altar on Sunday mornings or reach out to ask for prayer.
you don't have to do life alone
We celebrate godly women at Waters Edge! The purpose of our women's ministry is to create a nurturing and empowering space for all women to encounter God and grow to be like Christ. Our women's ministry consist in a few events a year, including a retreat. Furthermore, we have ongoing women's small groups within the church and a ministry to mother's called "Mama Tribe". Get connected to see upcoming events.
a Community for you
Our men's ministry is aimed to free men from the power darkness, recover their identity in Christ, and equip them to advance God's kingdom. Our men's ministry consists in a few events a year including a yearly men's retreat.
follow Jesus in our mothering
Moms are struggling! So many of us are too isolated and lonely in the high calling of motherhood. We need community of course, but specifically a community that lifts us up higher to follow Jesus in our mothering. Join our Mama Tribe family to encounter the Holy Spirit for freedom and abundant life! We encounter the Spirit through our neediness before God and our openness with each other. We strive for intimate and safe groups by honoring each other’s privacy while having hard conversations about motherhood, marriage, and our walks with Jesus. The Spirit is present breaking off heavy bondage and healing our brokeness. During our time together the Spirit calls out the light within each of us and leaves us all feeling refreshed and encouraged. We first meet in a big group for a short teaching then split into small groups for our more intimate conversations and ministry time. These groups function as your support base within the Mama Tribe family.
(803) 816-1150
Office Hours
Monday-Thursday: 9am - 1pm
Friday-Saturday: Closed
Sunday Worship Service: 10am
© 2024 Waters Edge Church. All Rights Reserved.