A disciple is a follower of Jesus, and discipleship is the process of becoming like Christ! Jesus commanded the church to make disciples, and so all functions of our church have that aim.
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19–20, ESV).
This instruction is known as the “Great Commission” because these words represent a critical assignment for the church as his people await his return.
Waters Edge Discipleship Groups help you encounter God and become like Christ to advance his kingdom. Sunday morning is an exciting big group experience, but these groups bring the church home for a smaller, family-sized experience of Christian community. Connect to a group to learn God’s word, grow in the spiritual gifts, and experiencing Christian family.
discipleship initiative
We recommend before joining a Discipleship Group that everyone new to our church go through our Waters Edge Discipleship Initiative!
Jesus came to earth to bring heaven with him, to inaugurate the kingdom of God! In his ministry, he also multiplied himself by training followers to operate in his same supernatural ministry. Our discipleship initiative is a year long pipeline to help people encounter God by his Spirit in order to activate and train them in the seven “Jesus skills:” 1) evangelism; 2) Spirit baptism; 3) prophecy and hearing God’s voice; 4) deliverance; 5) righteousness and discipline; 6) healing; 7) signs and wonders. These seven skills equip people to continue the ministry of Christ to advance the kingdom of God. Start any time by joining us on Thursdays nights. Disciples graduate after one year in the program. This discipleship program includes a kid’s ministry to active them in the Jesus skills. We offer discipleship classes for 5k-5th grades. Childcare is available for kids younger than 5.
We help you encounter God here through a grace-filled community experience of water baptism. We invite all followers of Jesus to follow Jesus by being baptized as he did. This is the universal practice of the church and a clear command of Christ (Matt. 28:19). Our church will baptize those who believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the eternal Son of God, and are willing to deny themselves and follow Him.
(803) 816-1150
Office Hours
Monday-Thursday: 9am - 1pm
Friday-Saturday: Closed
Sunday Worship Service: 10am
© 2024 Waters Edge Church. All Rights Reserved.